Sunday 27 April 2008

Skye Edge field

I had a letter today from a future voter. It said

Dear Mr Wroe
I am hoping you will help my friends and me.
I would like you to put more youth clubs for us 12 years olds.
The older kids are mixed in with the younger ones so there is a little bullying so to keep the ages separate we need a bigger place.
We also need Skye Edge field cleaning up as there is glass and rubbish there and spray paint.
We would like a bigger place as well for skate boarding and biking. Our neighbours get annoyed if we play in the road. So we need better lighting and better security. Skye Edge field would be ok.
A future voter

Skye Edge field is definitely a problem. I am asking the council to pay a visit and do a clean up, but what the area really needs is some local people who will take real care of it- like the Friends of Norfolk Park and the Friends of Sheaf Valley Park. And people need to feel safe there. I have been intimidated there before with youngsters on motorbikes driving at crazy speeds across the field and on the footpaths. The next Victoria Environment Group litter pick is this Saturday-meet at Victoria Methodist at 10am. If enough people come who are concerned about Skye Edge we could send a team in that direction.

As for facilities for youngsters, I must admit I am a bit out of touch on this. My kids have now all grown up, so I am not sure what is available in the area.There are sports activities at All Saints (contact Vicky Joel on (0114) 274 3529 or email Green Watch organise football coaching at Park Academy on Monday evenings 5.30-6.30, for 10 to 18 year olds.(Jake Bonsall on 07769 912 872)Jake’s also looking for volunteers to work on environmental projects on the Manor and Arbourthorne estates.If readers know of other good activities for young teenagers in this area please add a comment to this article and inform everybody.

There is a list of Youth Clubs in Sheffield here-
I assume you go to the Park Centre? Have you asked the leaders there about the possibility of a group for you younger ones? What did they say? And have you told them about the bullying? If they know about it hopefully they can do something about it.

I think your idea for a skate park on Skye Edge is a good one. We will need to convince the people that hold the purse strings, as it would be expensive. Maybe you and your friends could put a petition together and present it to the Council. Ask me if you want some help with this.

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