Sunday 15 April 2007

Claywood flats site

What do you think should be done with the Claywood flats site? It has now been empty for some time and the Council have designated it a "major development opportunity". I am trying to find out what exactly the Council have got in mind.

I think it is very important that the pedestrian routes are improved, so that you can walk easily from Norfolk Park, through Claywood and on to Sheaf Valley Park.This will create a terrific amenity for the city. Talking to friends and neighbours most people seem to think the best thing that could be done is to make it into parkland and plant more trees. I agree, but this seems an unlikely scenario- so if the Council insist on building an "iconic building" what purpose should it have? We don't want another white elephant like the National Centre for Popular Music- we want something that will meet the needs of the local community. I know some influential people are beginning to read this blog, so now is your chance to have a say! What do you think would be most useful?

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