I continue to correspond with council officers regarding the new traffic restrictions. Here is the latest.People who have followed my campaigning will know I have been lobbying for many years to improve the safety of the 5 way junction between Stafford, Fitzwalter and Glencoe Roads. Making one side of Fitzwalter Road double yellow will I fear, result in traffic reaching much higher speeds on Fitzwalter Road, causing more danger at the 5 way junction. What do others think?
I wish the Council would talk about car crashes, not "vehicle conflicts"! I have still not discovered why this hasn't been discussed at the Area Panel.
Dear Simon Botterill
Please could you inform me of the Council's reasons for the new parking restrictions on the Stafford Road area? I am very supportive of any scheme that improves road safety, increase disabled access and encourages people to walk or use public transport. However I also think it is very important to consult with the local people before introducing such schemes. As an active member of the local community, attending Area Panel meetings and reading the local press, the first I heard of this scheme was a very uninformative notice on a lampost on Stafford Road. I only saw 2 such notices and the scheme covers 16 different roads. Lots of people asked me what the scheme involved, but I was not able to inform them until my wife went to the library to look at the plans for me. I hope any future planning issues in our area will involve real consultation with the residents.I have written about the scheme on my blog (I have failed to find anything about it on the Coucil website) and hope you will offer the Council viewpoint to inform my readers.
Many thanks
Graham Wroe
Dear Mr Wroe
Thank you for your email dated 6th November 2008, regarding the proposed Traffic Regulation Order affecting the Stafford Road area.
If I can first of all provide you with a brief overview of the scheme. It is an amalgamation of measures to address various parking problems reported by residents and commuters, as well as those observed and requested by Council officers. It features three key problem areas - Norfolk Park Road/Park Grange Road, Granville Road/Fitzwalter Road and Norfolk Road/Claywood Drive.
We have carried out detailed parking surveys, which have shown that these three areas are heavily parked in the day, which I believe is due to their close proximity to the City Centre, Sheffield College and Supertram. There is an additional increase in parked vehicles when Sheffield United are playing at home.
The proposed restrictions affecting Norfolk Park Road/Park Grange Road were decided upon after requests from local residents, commuters, Councillors and the Road Safety Team. This was due to the high volume of parked vehicles around Castle College and the Park Grange tram stop. This has lead to several pinch points being created at junctions and central islands, increasing the risk of vehicle conflicts, while creating a danger for pedestrians and cyclists. The proposed restrictions should alleviate these problems without affecting available on-street parking for residents, with some double yellow lines proposed to protect vehicle access points to communal parking areas.
With regards to the proposed double yellow lines on Granville Road, we are aware that parking is at a premium, so - without compromising road safety - we have generally only proposed restrictions at each junction along Granville Road. The exception is a 40 metre restricted length opposite the new vehicular entrance below the bridge that links the two campuses. This length of restriction will give increase visibility as well as creating a safe access to the college.
The double yellow lines at the junction of Farm Bank Road were requested by a disabled resident, who on occasions finds it almost impossible to cross the road due to inconsiderate parked vehicles, the original complaint was brought to our attention through an email from Cllr Jan Wilson. The double yellow lines proposed at each junction and the whole of the west side of Fitzwalter Road are intended to Increase visibility for drivers and pedestrians, while reducing the risk of vehicle conflict.
The proposed restrictions on Norfolk Road and Claywood Drive were determined after requests from local residents who were unable to gain access to their driveways and where concerned of the ‘gauntlet like’ run that had been created by excessive commuter parking. The proposed double yellow lines will provide vehicle passing places and ensure access to those driveways most affected by inconsiderately parked vehicles.
I have attached a drawing which shows the extent of the scheme. I hope this shows that we have tried not to be too draconian in our approach to double yellow lines but have tried to get the balance right with regards to road safety, residents' parking requirements and the need for spaces for commuters.
If you require any supplementary information, or wish to discuss the proposals further, then please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Matt Longstaff
Highways Technician
Traffic Management
Transport and Highways Division
2-10 Carbrook Hall Road,
Sheffield, S9 2DB
(P) 0114 2736177
(F) 0114 2736182